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Open Source Content Management Software

List of the ready for use products, modules and plugins for open source Content Management Systems.
Zope Products (118)
audio (1), blog (2), books (1), calendar (3), chat (1), communication (5), content (6), database (7), development tools (31), e-commerce (5), e-learning (1), email notifications (2), forum (3), internationalization (1), mailing list (1), other (31), photo gallery (6), user management (7), video (2), webmail (1),
Plone Products (1146)
audio (7), blog (10), books (6), calendar (23), chat (7), communication (25), content (142), database (10), development tools (79), e-commerce (13), e-learning (14), email notifications (8), forms (28), forum (8), gis and maps (14), guestbook (2), import and export (14), internationalization (20), links (14), mailing list (9), navigation and menus (22), newsletter (9), other (227), photo gallery (26), poll (7), portlet (66), rating and evaluation (6), search (17), skins (106), syndication (6), theme deployment (27), third-party integration (39), tracking management (7), user management (54), versioning (3), video (19), webmail (9), widgets and archetypes (18), workflow (16), wysiwyg (9),
Plone product GreenJet Plone Theme (6.2) by Quintagroup, last release: 2013/03/15 07:55:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2014-07-21 07:35:53
Premium responsive diazo Theme for Plone 4.3
Django CMS product LFS, Django online shop (0.7.7) last release: 2013/01/20, review updated: 2014-04-16 07:33:19
LFS is extremely fast and flexible online shop and e-commerce solution based on Python, Django and jQuery.
Django CMS product Oscar, e-commerce framework for Django. (0.6.4) by Tangent Labs, last release: 2014/04/04, review updated: 2014-04-16 07:32:30
An flexible and extensible e-commerce framework for Django
Django CMS product DjangoCMS Gallery plugin (0.5.5) last release: 2013/09/17 05:45:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2014-04-16 07:31:36
DjangoCMS image gallery plugin with drag&drop reordering in admin, support for thumbnails and jQueryTOOLS overlay.
Django CMS product Django Blog Zinnia (0.14.1) last release: 2014/03/12 09:45:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2014-04-16 07:30:32
A clear and powerfull weblog application powered with Django
Plone product (1.1) last release: 2014/03/11 07:10:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2014-04-16 07:27:58
A Plone add-on that provides a directory where you create persons, organizations, sub-organizations and positions.
Django CMS product DjangoCMS text CK-Editor (4.3.4) last release: 2014/03/25 05:55:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2014-04-16 06:17:24
Text Plugin for django-cms with CK-Editor
Plone product TechLight Plone Theme (6.0.6) by Quintagroup, last release: 2012/01/20 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2013-12-30 07:51:09
Free diazo theme for Plone 4.1
Plone product Plone Themantic (1.0.4) by Quintagroup, last release: 2009/09/03 18:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2013-12-30 07:40:33
Plone Themantic adds semantic mark-up, based on Plone Tableless, used in Plone 2.5. This product doesn't change default Plone look. qPloneThemantic also gives a possibility to begin new theme development in a file system.
Plone product Plone Skin Dump (0.7.3) by Quintagroup, last release: 2007/04/04 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2013-12-30 07:40:08
Plone Skin Dump (qPloneSkinDump) allows to create Plone product based on some ZMI located skin folder (eg "custom") from portal_skins. So you can easy create Plone product with skin based on folder with new styles and page templates.
Plone product quintagroup.portlet.cumulus (1.2) by Quintagroup, last release: 2012/02/24 05:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:55:51
A tag cloud portlet that rotates tags in 3D using a Flash movie.
Plone product quintagroup.portlet.static (0.7) by Quintagroup, last release: 2012/03/29, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:52:19
quintagroup.portlet.static is a Plone product that allows you to add stylished static text portlets to your Plone site. Static Stylish Text portlets are usual Plone Static Text portlets with certain HTML classes assigned.
Plone product collective.portlet.ngcollection (1.4) by Quintagroup, last release: 2013/12/23 11:45:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:47:33
Extends Plone collection portlet in order to allow assigning different views for each newly created portlet through its edit form
Plone product Plone Drop Down Menu (3.0) by Quintagroup, last release: 2010/07/14, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:46:15
Plone Drop Down Menu product allows managing multilevel drop down menus in Plone. Drop down menu implemented by qPloneDropDownMenu Plone product is search engine friendly. You can easy change CSS in drop_down.css .
Plone product Plone Click Tracking Tool (0.4.4) by Quintagroup, last release: 2006/06/30 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:38:21
Plone Click Tracking Tool product is aimed for assisting in tracking advertisement campaigns in Plone websites. It allows to track clicks of visitors. Actual statistics calculation is performed by external log analysis system (eg AWStats).
Plone product qRSS2Syndication (0.5.1) by Quintagroup, last release: 2007/01/10 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:36:04
qRSS2Syndication is a product designed by Quintagroup to generate RSS2 feeds in Plone sites. qRSS2Syndication includes support of audio and video feeds. qRSS2Syndication allows the syndication of ATAudio objects, mp3, wmv, ppt, jpg files using RSS 2.0 with enclosures.
Plone product collective.stickyitem (1.0.4) by Quintagroup, last release: 2012/01/27 09:45:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2013-12-26 08:08:32
This NewsItem schema extender adds possibility to pin items on top of the listings.
Plone product quintagroup.canonicalpath (0.7) by Quintagroup, last release: 2010/06/01 04:25:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2013-12-26 08:07:08
The package brings canonical path calculation functionality to Plone. It allows to define path and/or link to the object, which may differ from standard physical path or its URL in portal.
Plone product quintagroup.plonegooglesitemaps (1.8.2) by Quintagroup, last release: 2013/04/22 18:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2013-12-26 08:06:06
Plone Google Sitemaps allows Plone websites to get better visibility for Google search engine by providing it with complete listing of URLs to website content.
Plone product quintagroup.plonecomments (4.1.8) by Quintagroup, last release: 2013/01/16, review updated: 2013-12-25 07:29:14
Plone Comments (quintagroup.plonecomments) is a product developed to improve moderation of comments in Plone.
Document Actions
Plone Themes

SunRain Plone Theme

Schools Plone Theme

Python Reel Theme

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